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What is your biggest challenge in running your business?








What if a solution to all 7 challenges was within your reach?

In The Productive Biz, Mark Tittley presents a radically holistic and comprehensive approach to running a productive business that tackles each of these challenges.


The 7 Challenges

This book will help you overcome the seven challenges standing between you and a productive business:

We are unclear about what we are doing in our business.
We are overwhelmed with everything we have to get done.
We lack the habits needed to operate smoothly.
We miss deadlines due to a lack of advanced planning.
We get easily distracted from our key objectives.
We lack knowledge about ourselves, our staff and our clients.
We lack energy as individuals and as a business.


About the Book

The book explores 7 Keys to Running A Productive Business and helps you implement them using best practises, strategies and tactics. It is laid out in a format that encourages you to engage with the content to get the most out of your journey.


The 7 Keys

Here are the 7 keys and what they will do for you:

Key #1
Live Your Mission
The First key is about getting Clear by defining mission, identifying KRAs, creating goals and working your plan.

Key #2
Manage Your Actions
The Second key is about getting Calm by downloading, deciding, doing and reviewing everything you need to get done.

Key #3
Build Your Habits
The Third key is about getting Consistent by creating good habits, breaking bad habits, stacking habits, creating goal habits, tracking habits and starting new habits.

Key #4
Plan Your Time
The Fourth key is about getting Efficient by using a planner; planning in advance; create goals and scheduling goals.

Key #5
Focus Your Mind
The Fifth key is about getting Focussed by operating in your passion, training your brain and limiting your distractions.

Key #6
Know Your Self
The Sixth key is about getting Informed by profiling staff; defining values, crafting intent; refining roles; charting responsibilities; assessing your business; and creating your profile.

Key #7
Renew Your Energy
The Seventh key is about getting Renewed by generating energy in yourself, your business and your staff energy.



Take The Test
You can take the free TPB Test where you answer 21 questions and discover which of the 7 Challenges you should be most and least concerned about and also how you are currently doing at using the 7 Keys. CLick the button below to download the MS Excel spreadsheet (or use the Google Sheets version) and get your results immediately.

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Download a Sample
You can download a sample of the book - the Introduction chapters and also the whole of Key 1: Live Your Mission using the link below..

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About the Author

Mark Tittley has devoted his whole life to the pursuit of living productively in every area of his life and business and coaches people and businesses to run productively. He has trained thousands of leaders in over a dozen African countries including Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Kenya, Gabon, Namibia and South Africa. Mark lives in Cape Town, South Africa.

Mark graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Diploma in Training from the Damelin Business Management School in Johannesburg and with an Honours degree in Theology from the Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa.

Mark is a married to Debbie and is a father of three: Keegan (31), Ashley (29) and Drew Nguvu (19).


“Mark is a brilliant trainer and coach, and lives the message of The Productive Life. He has had a profound impact on my life, and can do the same for you; if you let him.”
Dr. Graeme Codrington
Tomorrow Today



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