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Many youth groups and churches have developed services that are aimed at the unchurched. Churches like Saddleback Community and Willow Creek have even developed profiles of the kind of person who they are aiming at reaching through seeker-sensitive or seeker-driven events. The aim is to present a church service that will meaningfully communicate with the seeker. They try to avoid any barriers that will hinder the unchurched person from coming to faith in Christ.

Willow Creek have a weekly Student Impact outreach event that is a seekeer-sensitive church service. According to Bo Boshers, in Student Ministry for the 21st Century, the evening consists of the following elements: (a) Teamroom - youth are divided into their school groups where they are introduced to the event and the theme for the night; (b) Competition - here games and activities are used where youth compete in teams against each other; (c) Program - now youth are led into the auditorium for a thirty minute programme before the message that involves a opener block a high energy period using songs and video, a turning-the-corner-block a quieter time focussing on the theme of the evening through reflection and discussion, and the package where song, drama and media further reveal God to the seekers; and (d) Message which is a twenty to twenty-five minute communication of the truth for the evening.

Saddleback, as explained by Doug Fields in Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, have a programme aimed at their Crowd commitment level that involves a positive environment, an element of fun, student involvement and an understandable message. Worship features strongly in their services, which include the following elements: contemporary songs played by the band, a welcome with humour or a fun element, a student ministry team is presented, a student drama is presented, praise songs are played by the band, a student testimony is given, and a message is presented.

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