Willow Creek have a weekly Student Impact outreach event that is a seekeer-sensitive church service. According to Bo Boshers, in Student Ministry for the 21st Century, the evening consists of the following elements: (a) Teamroom - youth are divided into their school groups where they are introduced to the event and the theme for the night; (b) Competition - here games and activities are used where youth compete in teams against each other; (c) Program - now youth are led into the auditorium for a thirty minute programme before the message that involves a opener block a high energy period using songs and video, a turning-the-corner-block a quieter time focussing on the theme of the evening through reflection and discussion, and the package where song, drama and media further reveal God to the seekers; and (d) Message which is a twenty to twenty-five minute communication of the truth for the evening.
Saddleback, as explained by Doug Fields in Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, have a programme aimed at their Crowd commitment level that involves a positive environment, an element of fun, student involvement and an understandable message. Worship features strongly in their services, which include the following elements: contemporary songs played by the band, a welcome with humour or a fun element, a student ministry team is presented, a student drama is presented, praise songs are played by the band, a student testimony is given, and a message is presented.
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