Youth workers must develop their ability to manage themselves if they are going to make it in youth ministry. This will involve paying attention to the following areas of their lives: pursuing spiritual growth; building Godly character; developing personal vision; and gaining self understanding.
Joe, a youth pastor, at Grace Church decided that he would build the best youth ministry that anyone had every seen. He determined that it would be the biggest, most talked-about youth ministry that had ever been planted and grown in that area - in fact maybe even in the whole world. He was willing to spare no effort in the attainment of this goal. As he started to get the youth ministry up and running he chose the best venue for the group to meet in at the church, he had the room painted out with bright colours and placed attractive posters on the wall that youth would love. He arranged for the best catering facilities to ensure that the young people would be well served. He gathered the best programme activities for the first few evenings - confident that his programmes would be an instant hit with the young people. He launched the first programme and the response was excellent. All his hopes had been realised - when people told him how great the event was as they left the venue, he knew that he had a good thing going. Soon, he reasoned his would have the grandest youth group in the city. But suddenly the wheels started to come off. He found that he was battling to handle all the demands placed on his shoulders and was starting to feel irritable and drained. When people came and asked for advice and direction in growing spiritually he found that he had little to offer them. After all he was hardly going anywhere spiritually himself - how could he, he was running this great youth ministry! He had been so busy taking care of all the arrangements and programming details that he had failed to take care of his relationship with the Lord. He realised that it was some time since he had time in his day to spend time with the Lord. He was so busy following up new contacts and gathering even better programmes that he had forgotten to do the things that, although they are not seen or applauded by people, would ensure he would stay connected to the Lord and go the distance in youth ministry. If only he had taken the time to build into the unseen parts of his life - his relationship with the Lord - maybe he would not have resigned only six months into what was supposed to be the greatest success story in youth ministry that his town had ever see.
Any strategy for ministry or model of ministry will depend to a large extent on the spiritual state of the leaders. In order to minister effectively among youth, a youth pastor needs to keep growing spiritually. This is done through:
A. Having Daily Devotions
There must be some time set aside EVERY day to meet with the Lord - to read God's Word; to reflect on how it applies to one's life; to journal thoughts, impressions or resolutions; and to pray. Youth workers cannot hope to lead people into a deepening relationship with Christ if they neglect the basics of an intimate relationship with Him.
B. Practising God's Presence
While a regular daily devotional time is essential, it does not replace the need to commune with God throughout the day. The discipline of continually turning to God in one's mind and heart is crucial to sustaining a vital and growing relationship. Clement of Alexandria said: "All of our life is a festival, being persuaded that God is everywhere present on all sides, we praise Him as we till the ground, we sing hymns as we till the ground, we sing hymns as we sow the seed, we feel His inspiration in all we do." What a challenge to integrate our relationship with God into even the most mundane of earthly activities. Reading the Christian classic by Brother Lawrence, entitled The Practice of the Presence of God, will help in the development of this discipline.
C. Taking Spiritual Retreats
While daily devotions and practising God's presence are crucial for maintaining intimacy with God they do not replace the need for regular extended times alone with God. A weekly time away should be built into the schedule - a time where there is silence, soul-searching, prayer and reading.
D. Dealing with Sin
Nothing will hinder a relationship with God quicker than sin that is allowed to take root. Youth workers must make it their aim to keep short accounts of sin. A regular discipline of confession is needed to ensure that nothing blocks communication of God. Richard Foster in Celebration of Discipline, suggests that confession involves (a) an examination of conscience; (b) sorrow at having committed sin; and (c) a determination to avoid sin.
E. Creating Space for God
The previous four steps will never happen unless youth workers make space for relating to God. It has been said: "If the devil can't make you bad he will make you busy." Even being busy doing "the Lord's work" can be a hindrance to intimacy with God.
F. Developing Spiritual Friendships
A sure way to success in the spiritual life is to find a few spiritual friends who will keep one accountable and motivated in the area of spirituality. Gordon MacDonald says: "Never before have I been more convinced that adult Christian need to form personal friendships with those who share our commitments and values. Just like a pit crew we are called to help one another win, inspect one another's types for wear and tear and check fuel level for running low!" Henri Nouwen added: "I now realise that I need regular contact with a friend who keeps me close to Jesus and continues to call me to faithfulness." The need for mentors is at the heart of Christian leadership.
G. Doing Practical Service
Finally there is a need to express ones' spirituality in acts of service, as Charles Ringma says: "Spirituality is not simply an inward disposition. It is not only a peaceful state of mind. Spirituality must come to expression in acts of kindness, deeds of love and thankful service."
A wise youth pastor set out to build a youth ministry. Before he started to gather programme resources or choose the best venue, he spoke to other youth pastors who had been in ministry for many years. He asked them about the kinds of activities that he needed to engage in to ensure that he would stay close to the Lord while building a ministry that would lead other to Christ and into a ever-deepening relationship with Him. For weeks he sought advice. Then he went to the Lord in prayer and through extended times of spiritual retreat he sough God for guidance; he laid his motives before the Lord and prayed that God would purify them - his prayer was: "Not to me, but to your name be glory". Eventually, convinced that he was operating correctly he began to set about building the kind of structures that would make for a successful youth ministry. He recruited people who would share the burden of leadership; he encouraged people in the church to pray for the ministry; he made a note of people who would be able to help in times of crisis; and above all he determined that nothing would interfere with his own personal relationship with the Lord. Very soon, the ministries were growing and goals were being reached. It took a bit longer to get things going, but there was a sense that he would be around for many years to come.
(The two stories are adapted from The Life God Blesses by Gordon MacDonald, Nelson, 1994)
The first chapter in Doug Field's book, Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, is entitled: "Healthy Youth Ministries Have Healthy Leaders". He encourages youth pastors to move beyond hype to health. We can spend so much time working for God that we neglect the need to allow God to work through us; and work on becoming a person of God. As we increase our ability to depend on God we will move towards becoming more of the person that God wants us to become. After all, God is actually more concerned about what I am becoming that what I do for the kingdom! We may be able to fool people into thinking that our inner world is right before God, but we won't fool God. Proverbs 5:21-23 says: "For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths. The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly."
How can we develop godly character?
A. Depend on God for Growth
Youth pastors must prayerfully depend on God to work within them to transform them into the image of Jesus Christ. God who has begun the work of salvation within us, through the work of regeneration, is more than capable of being trusted to make us more like Christ through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. We must constantly bring our true selves before God in confession and supplication, asking that he will cleanse us from all that is not of Him and work within us that which is of Him.
B. Cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit
While spiritual growth is a natural outworking of the indwelling Spirit within us, we are still called to "put on Christ" to discipline ourselves for godliness. One way to do this is to allow the Holy Spirit to act within us; to foster his life within us. The outcome of Christ living within us through the spirit is fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). There must be direct and personal interaction with Christ by the Spirit if His fruit is to be seen in us.
C. Practise Spiritual Disciplines
A further way to develop godly character is though engaging in specific activities that will put us in a position where God is able to work within us. Richard Foster, in Celebration of Discipline, says that practising the disciplines places us in a position where God's grace is able to work in us. They are not works of the flesh, but a bringing of ourselves before God and being before him long enough so that he can transform us. The disciplines include activities like solitude, study, prayer, fasting, service and worship.
D. Develop a Value System
The following values should be included in our value system: (1) Personal Mastery we must strive to be the best that we can be. (2) Practical Excellence setting high standards for everything we do. (3) Selfless Serving ministering with a servant heart. (4) Genuine Friendliness we must strive to continually reach deep within ourselves to be friendly to people. (5) Ethical Integrity everything we do should be done with honesty and truthfulness. (6) Balanced Living we must balance the private and public dimensions of our lives, for example, balancing work, family and personal time.
E. Behave Christianly
Our character should be expressed in our behaviour. This may involve seeking to like a What Would Jesus Do lifestyle. It will involve a desire to live in a way that has a positive impact on those around us. Phil Geldart (In Your Hands, page 409f) says that individuals prefer to follow someone who has leadership qualities. He presents a number of 'charisma' items for leaders to internalise and practise: (1) Smile Frequently a friendly demeanour projects a sense of self confidence and makes others feel positive about the environment in which they find themselves. (2) Be Decisive decide what you are going to do and do it so that people feel confident that action is being taken. (3) Be Knowledgeable if you are well prepared you will be able to make decisions decisively and wisely. (4) Listen Attentively people appreciate being heard and will be more free to share their ideas, opinions and perspectives in this environment. (5) Be Prepared come to meetings well prepared with ideas, alternatives and innovative solutions. (6) Speak Clearly and with Conviction if we speak well and do so with conviction, we will impact people. (7) Encourage Others we must spot something of value in what others are doing and comment on it at the appropriate moment. (8) Create a Fun Environment people work best in a fun and creative environment. (9) Speak the Truth people appreciate it when we speak the complete truth tactfully. (10) Be Enthusiastic we must be positive, outgoing and excited about the things we are involved in!
Richard Foster, in a Christianity Today article, 5th February 1996, speaks about us Becoming Like Christ through three means: (1) Formed by Experiential Means if Christ is to be formed in us (Galatians 4:19), we must realise that God works through ordinary experiences of daily life to form the character of Christ in us. This happens through our work which should be viewed as sacred; through trials that produce endurance and through the movings of the Spirit within our hearts as he inspires, convicts, counsels and guides us. (2) Conformed by Formal Means if we are to be conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29), we need to engage in the disciplines of the spiritual life these are formals ways of training in the spiritual life. (3) Transformed by Instrumental Means if we are to be transformed into the image of the son (2 Corinthians 3:18), we must connect with the many physical and human instruments that God uses to transform us, including: baptism, preaching, laying on of hands, anointing with oil, intercessory prayer, reading and applying scripture, the Lord's supper, etc.
Duffy Robbins says, "Vision is the absolute essential for someone who wants to stay fresh and enthusiastic about youth ministry over the long haul. It is the chief prevention for burn-out. I suspect that, most of the time, what we hear prescribed as 'burn-out' - when people run out of steam - is more likely 'blur-out' - when people are without a vision in ministry and simply don't have anything to get steamed up about!" (Youth Ministry That Works, page 27).
A. Defining Vision
Vision has been defined as "a positive picture of a preferable future"; "a realistic, credible, attractive future for an organisation"; "the result of dreams in action" and "the launching pad for the future." George Barna defines visions as "a clear mental picture of a preferable future imparted by God to His chosen servants based upon an accurate understanding of God, self and circumstances" (The Power of Vision, page 28). Each aspect of this definition deserves further attention:
(1) Mental Picture - Vision is a mental picture of the way things could or should be in the future. It involves a visual reality, a picture of conditions that do currently exist, that is internalised and personal. It is not somebody else's view of the future, but one that is unique to the individual.
(2) Preferable Future - Vision involves change - stretching reality to extend beyond what presently exists. To create a better situation in which to minister leaders cannot simply hope that the future will be better, but must take control over their environment and with God's empowerment and direction create a better future. Vision focuses on thinking ahead rather than on dwelling upon, or seeking to replicate, the past. So the way to success in ministry is to focus on God and to be fully committed to His vision for ministry.
(3) God Imparted - Vision for ministry is a reflection of what God wants to accomplish through people in building His kingdom. While God allows leaders latitude and creativity to articulate, disseminate and implement the vision, they receive their vision for ministry from God.
(4) Chosen Servants - Leadership is crucial within the church, and God has gifted certain individuals to serve as leaders. It is to these people that He entrusts the precious gift of vision. Only a leader can gather the resources necessary to bring life to the vision. God chooses these leaders carefully and provides each of them with a vision tailored to their circumstances.
In the definition, vision for ministry depends on three sources of insight: (a) Understanding God - the more accurately leaders know and understand God's character and purposes, the more accurately they will know and understand His will for their lives. (b) Understanding Self - leaders must know their abilities, gifts, limitations and desires to accurately discover God's perspective on their ministry. Vision is not an exercise in promoting self, personal dreams or needs, but an integration of personal abilities and limitations with God's plan to accomplish what must be done. (c) Understanding Circumstances - God's vision for ministry is sensitive to the environment in which ministry takes place. Leaders need a firm grasp of existing and potential needs, conditions, competition, opportunities and barriers to discern God's will for ministry.
B. Understanding Vision
(1) Synonyms of Vision - One writer distinguishes between mission and vision as follows: a mission statement is a broad, general statement that includes a definition of life objectives; a vision statement is a specific, detailed, customized, distinctive and unique statement of specific direction and activities to pursue. However, it is best to consider the words: mission, purpose and vision as synonyms, and then talk about the creation of specific goals that will help to accomplish the mission/purpose/vision.
(2) Examples of Vision - The Bible contains examples of people who had a clearly defined vision: (a) Adam and Eve - to be fruitful, multiply and have dominion over the earth. (b) Moses - to get the Hebrews out of Egypt, teach them the law of God and guide them to Canaan. (c) Ezra - to study, obey and teach: "for Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel" (Ezra 7:10). (d) John the Baptist - a voice calling in the desert: "Make straight the way for the Lord" (John 1:23). (e) Jesus - "the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost" (Luke 19:10). (f) Disciples - to preach and heal: "He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick" (Luke 9:2). (g) Paul - to develop people: "We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ" (Colossians 1:28). Paul was in the people-development business! (h) Christians - to make disciples: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19).
(3) Benefits of Vision Discovering personal vision allows leaders to be guided by principles and beliefs; it allows them to participate in something greater than themselves; it gives them hope for the future; it attracts and inspires others; and it makes things happen.
C. Developing Vision
(1) Develop a Mission Statement
Stephen Covey's second habit of highly effective people is to 'begin with the end in mind'. He says that the most effective way to do this is to develop a personal mission statement. It focuses on what we want to be (character) and do (contributions) (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, page 106). Here is a process for developing a mission statement:
(a) Pray - Developing a mission statement is a supernatural process, so leaders should ask God to reveal to them His purpose for their life and ministry. This could be done during a retreat.
(b) Study the Scriptures - Leaders should search the Scriptures for examples of people who had a sense of mission. See above for examples.
(c) Reflect on the Past with an Eye on the Future - Leaders should reflect on past priorities and discover what they want to be in the future. They should then summarise their thoughts into short statements of purpose. Victor Frankl says that people detect rather than invent their mission in life.
(d) Evaluate God's Guidance Objectively - Leaders should check their understanding of God's will for their lives with friends or mentors who will give an objective evaluation of their thinking.
(e) Brainstorm Words and Ideas - Leaders should let thoughts flow and then check for common words or phrases. Two tools are presented to guide with this phase of creating a mission statement:
(i) An Exercise by Stephen Covey to Discover Life Purpose (The Seven Habits, page 96):
Picture yourself going to the funeral of a loved one. As you walk inside the building you notice the flowers, the soft organ music. You see the faces of friends and family you pass along the way. You feel the shared sorrow of losing, the joy of having known, that radiates from the hearts of the people there. As you walk down to the front of the room and look inside the casket, you suddenly come face to face with yourself. This is your funeral, three years from today. All these people have come to honour you, to express feelings of love and appreciation for your life.
As you take a seat and wait for the service to begin, you look at the program in your hand. There are four speakers. The first is from your family. The second is one of your friends. The third is from your work. And the fourth is from your church.
Now think deeply. What would you like each of these speakers to say about you and your life? What kind of husband, wife, father, or mother would you like their words to reflect? What kind of son or daughter or cousin? What kind of friend? What kind of working associate? What character would you like them to have seen in you? What contributions or achievements would you want them to remember? Look carefully at the people around you. What difference would you like to have made in their lives? Record your impressions.
(ii) A Set of Questions by George Barna to Get to Know Self (The Power of Vision, page 81):
Questions about Emotions: What turns you on in life? What turns you off emotionally? During what situations do you feel most alive or exuberant? Which Bible figures capture your imagination? Why? What makes life worth living? Who are the three most important people in your life? Who are the three people you most respect? Why?
Questions about Abilities: What are your spiritual gifts? What goals have you set and reached during the past five years? What goals have you set and failed to achieve during that period? What hindered you? What goals are you afraid to set because you feel incapable of reaching them? In what ways did God make you different from others? What unique talents do you possess?
Questions about Intellect and Perspectives: How would you describe a 'successful' youth group? What would it take for your group to a success? How would you describe a 'successful' youth pastor? What would it take for you to be a success? How would you define a godly Christian leader? How well do you fit that description? What differentiates a Christian leader from a non-Christian leader?
Questions about Heart: What makes you cry? Why? If you could accomplish only one task in life, what would it be? If your friends remembered only one thing about you after you died, what would you want it to be? Which passages of the Bible speak most loudly and consistently to you? How deep is your relationship with God right now? What has the growth curve of your relationship with Him being over the past year? What activities do you get totally absorbed in? Which are you unlikely to grow out of as you mature? What are the five values of human character to which you feel you must at all times, at all cost, be true? What values are you committed to perfect in your life?
Questions about Mentors and Models: Who are five spiritual leaders you have known personally whom you would most like to imitate? Why? Who have been the five most influential spiritual leaders in your life other than Jesus? Why? Other than spiritual mentors, who has influenced your life the most? How did they influence you? How do you differ from other youth pastors that you know? What are the characteristics of an ideal youth pastor? Which do or don't you possess?
Questions about Ministry: Are you currently ministering on the basis of vision? If so, whose vision is it? How did you acquire it? What is your toughest duty or responsibility as youth pastor? Which ministry activities make you depressed, ambivalent or turn you off? What is your vision for your personal ministry, apart from what you do as a youth pastor? Which groups of people do you feel naturally drawn to in ministry? What ministry experiences have provided you with the greatest fulfilment or disappointments? What is the role of your family in light of your ministry obligations?
(f) Begin Writing - Complete the following sentence: "My mission is to ...", or "I exist to ...". The main purpose in putting the mission down on paper is to focus and finish thinking. The statement should be written in plain language (vivid, active, compelling and appealing). It may take weeks or even months before a leader feels comfortable with their mission statement, before they feel that it is a compete and concise expression of their deepest values and purposes. Even then they will need to review it regularly and make minor changes as they gain new insights or as circumstances change. The second part of the mission statement involves completing the sentence: "In order to fulfil this mission..." or "This mission will only be achieved by...". This part of the mission statement mentions a few keys to the fulfilment of the mission.
(g) Test the Mission - Ask: Is it consistent with scripture? Does it glorify God? Does it fit my talents and abilities? Does it fit the needs of those who depend on me? Do I have peace of mind about it?
(h) Believe and Live the Mission - Leaders should remind themselves that the visions is God's desire for them; pray daily for God to bless the vision and their efforts to fulfil it; use it as a decision-making filter to help them determine which opportunities to pursue and which to reject; and use it as a moral and ethical compass to examine the broad range of behaviours they could pursue in the course of their daily activities.
(2) Identify Roles
The second step in creating a mission statement is to relate the mission to roles. The leader should list all their life roles, ie. husband/wife, father/mother, brother/sister, neighbour, scholar, Christian, teacher. They can put the various roles into a number of categories, such as: individual, family member, work, church and community. After writing their mission statement they should write: "The following roles take priority in achieving my mission..." and list the roles they have identified.
(3) Create Goals
The leader should then write two or three important results under each role. An effective goal focuses on results rather than activities; it gives important information on how to reach a destination and how to know when one has arrived; and it translates itself into daily activities so leaders can be proactive (Stephen Covey's first habit of highly effective people is "be proactive"). Goals can also be created that relate to different dimension of life: physical, relational, intellectual, vocational, financial, recreational and spiritual.
An Example Personal Mission Statement:
My life's mission is ... to a God-reflector who makes disciple-makers.
My mission will only be achieved by ... cultivating spiritual disciplines, reflecting godly character, developing Christ followers and growing disciplemakers.
The following roles take priority in achieving my mission ... husband, father, disciple, lecturer, leader and student.
The following goals reflect the results I will seek in each role ...
* As a husband and Father I will make home and family a priority, spend time with family, involve family in ministry, support my wife in her roles and tasks, watch how I communicate with her, cultivating romance in our relationship, show my children that I love them and they are precious to me.
* As a disciple I will practise spiritual disciplines, develop accountability relationships, cultivate a disciplined devotional life and practise the presence of God.
* As a lecturer I will continually seek to implement what I have learnt about education and training, stay in touch with trends in education, develop intimacy with students, implement new models of teaching and continually update and revise material.
* As a student I will seek to continually have the attitude of a learner, always be open to new truths and methodologies, and read as widely as possible.
An Example Ministry Vision Statement:
My ministry vision is to empower youth workers to implement church-based disciplemaking ministry among youth in Africa.
The following five key result areas will help to fulfil the vision: (1) growing personally; (2) developing curriculum; (3) contacting leaders; (4) facilitating training; and (5) coordinating coaching.
Managing self includes coming to understand how we are wired. Youth pastors should seek to understand various aspects of their personality and behaviour. This includes aspects such as personality type; temperament style; conflict handling style; love languages; learning styles; etc. There are different tools available to assess various aspects of our lives. The results of these tests could be integrated into a personal profile. Part of the process of maturity is to gain ever-increasing insights into the reasons behind the way we behave.
A. Developing A Personal Profile
I recently drew up a personal profile that included the following items: (1) General Characteristics this came from the executive summary provided by Walk Through The Bible on completion of the DISC profile; (2) Personality Type I have three different analysis in this section: Myers-Briggs; Tim Lahaye; and the DISC profile; (3) Leadership Style the DISC profile also indicates your natural style of leadership; (4) Team Style also taken from the DISC profile; (5) Conflict Handling Style; (6) Learning Style from the Honey and Mumford Learning Styles Inventory; and (7) Spiritual Gifts from a Houts questionnaire. This document is most valuable to share with a senior pastor that you are working with, or other members of a leadership team. Many of these indicators should be used in a team context and the results shares with each other.
B. Developing Spiritual Passion
Here is a tool to help you discover your spiritual passion:
(1) What really stirs you? Imagine we meet together for the first time. We talk about a few things in casual conversation and then you get really excited as you start to talk about a topic that really grips you. It is the one thing that always stirs you. What is the topic?
(2) What do you daydream about the most?
(3) What have been the greatest achievements in your life? List 5 achievements.
(4) What kind of things do you do that make you lose track of time? When you are operating on things that you are passionate about, you become unaware of time.
(5) In what area are you making, or do you want to make, a difference? People who fulfil their passion make a purposeful difference around then. They have an inner confidence that they are where God wants them to be - in a place where God is using them to make a difference.
(6) What energises you? Your passion is something that energises you!
(7) Does your passion pass the following two tests: (a) Does it glorify God? (b) Does it edify others?
Once you have completed this exercise you should look for key words and phrases that appear throughout.
Complete the sentence: My Passion is
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