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Here is a page of links to websites containing subsantial amount of resource for ministry.
Time Management: Leadership: Programming: General:
GTD Podcast - A Podcast from David Allen about Getting Things Done.
Madison Jone's Time Management Links - A great selection of links to articles on time management.
Experts Reveal Their Best Time Management Tips - A fantastic round up of time management secrets.
Student’s Guide to Study Skills & Time Management - A guide by Allied Health - it is not just for students!!!
Time-Management Skills for Business, School, and Beyond! A great guide suggested by Bethany from the US.
A College Student’s Guide To Studying And Test Preparation - A page of helpful links from Sarah in the US.
Manager Tools Basics - Podcasts on tools for leading people: 1on1 Sessions, Feedback, Coaching, Delegation.
LeadershipNow - A great website filled with articles, thoughts and blog all about leadership.
All Things Workplace - Steve Roesler's blog is filled with insights about leaders - read his posts on Coaching.
Journal of Biblical Perspectives in
Leadership - A journal by Regent University School of Global Leadership.
Creative Ideas Blog - The author of Creative Ideas blogs about youth group ideas here.
Icebreakers for Youth Events - A great website with numerous practical programming resources.
52 Youth Programmes - A great resource by Debbie Austwick from Westville Baptist Church.
52 More Youth Programmes - A second resource by Debbie Austwick from Westville Baptist Church.
Model of Youth Ministry - Some years back I created a website known as the Commitment Level Model of Youth Ministry. It is now hosted at this site. You can download it as a zipped file (2mb), unzip it and open the index.htm file in the folder.
Leadership Book Summaries - Read quality leadership book summaries for free with registration.
Plugged in Online - Stay up to date with movie and music reviews at this site.
Youth Ministry Architects - Mark DeVries, author of Sustainable Youth Ministry, has some practical articles and templates available for download - including articles, sample mission/values statements and org charts.
Brad Huebert - Brad's writings on hearing the voice of God and grace are profound!
Introduction to Generational Theory - Graeme Codrington's detailed introduction to generational theory.
Passing Values to the Next Generation PDF - Presentation Slides by Graeme Codrington for His message.