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Check out my books on Productivity: The Productive Life and The Productive Biz.
You need to Right-Click on links to download files on this page!! I am passionate about Getting Things Done - about being productive in my life and ministry. Here are some resources that I have developed that will help you increase your levels of productivity and reduce stress in your life. Check out my Gumroad Products Page where you can find digital resources to purchase. The 3 One Things Newsletter
Check out my 3 One Things weekly Newsletter. Each issue contains 3 One Things that I have either Read, Done or Created that have helped me be more productive. Subscribe using this link: 3OneThings
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The first part of my Time Management seminar focuses on a top-down approach to time and life management: identifying your Mission, Roles, Goals, etc. It is inspired by the writings of Stephen Covey in his books: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and First Things First.
The second part of my Time Management seminar focusses on a bottom-up approach to time and life management – looking at Next Actions, Projects, Responsibilities, etc. It is inspired by the writings of David Allen in: Getting Things Done and Making It All Work.
Here is a selection of articles about Getting Things Done:
5 Steps to Accomplishing your Goals
6 Characteristics of Good Goals
Building a Smarter To Do List
Control and Perspective
GTD Back to Basics Series
Horizons of Focus
Making It All Work Review
The Art Of The Doable To Do List
The GTD Workflow Diagram 1
The GTD Workflow Diagram 2
Taking Gmail to the Next Level