Getting Things Done 3: My Email System

My email system is also set up using a GTD approach so you won’t see email as a task anywhere on my task list – it is a self-contained system that has the following features:

1. I presently use Windows Mail on my computer to download and process my email. I do have a GMail account, but I have not yet transitioned to processing all my email online. That maybe an areas that I move into during the next year.

2. I do not use my inbox as a filing tray – any email that arrives in my inbox is processed and moved to one of my action folders. I don’t leave post in my physical postbox in the mall – I collect mail each week and process it. So why should I act any differently with my electronic mail? Here are the action folder that I manage:

A. Action – these are email that require action within a day or two.

B. Read – these are emails that contain content that I need to read some time.

C. Someday – these are emails that I might like to follow up on at some time in the future.

D. Waiting For – these are emails that act as reminders about things I am waiting for from others.

E. Projects – these are email linked to projects – each current project has it’s own email folder.

F. Reference – these are email that I may need to refer to sometime in the future (I have categories are mostly based around my roles in life (Husband; Father; Pastor; Mentor; Student; Computer.

3. I get my inbox to zero every day – each day I make sure every email I have received is processed – that does not always mean I reply, although often it does – but I either delete it, file it, mark it to read, or send it to an action folder or a waiting for folder.

4. I have a well structured reference folder system so stuff is filed where I want it and easily accessible. GTD suggests using the search facility more than trying to figure out where to file things but I am still too ordered to go with a free flowing system.

5. I schedule time to process email each day – one slot in the morning and one in the afternoon – I am trying not to keep checking email compulsively throughout the day. Okay, so that is the theory or goal!

6. I reply to every email I receive. One of my pet peeves is people don’t reply to an email they obviously receive. It might just be a short note – but it is a reply! My GTD-style email action management system helps with this commitment because emails are not moved into my Reference section until they have been handled appropriately.

7. I track my social networking (Facebook) and Twitter posting through email. I have them both set to send me email updates about people who choose to follow me on Twitter, posts that are related to me on Facebook, etc.

8. I use a freeware program called Digsby to track my Twitter account (to read who I am following and make tweets) and also to track my various email accounts. It saves me having to check each account online. It sits in the Notifications area of the Taskbar in my Windows computers.