Living a Productive Life (Part 1)

I would like invite you on a journey to living the most productive life possible! In the coming weeks I am going to make regular posts that unpack the 7 Keys.

Watch out for the launch of a company that provides training, coaching and resources for being Productive @ Work and Productive @ Life. A domain has been registered ( and our website will soon be up and running. I am delighted to have a colleague, Stuart Fisher, partnering with me in this adventure.

If you have not gotten a copy of my book yet, then let me encourage you to act today – it will be a great step towards being uber-productive with your whole life. Payday should have arrived for you so consider making the investment in your future sooner rather than later.

You can get a copy on Amazon in either Paperback or eBook formats – and at the moment sales for each format are very close so clearly there is still a need for paper even though we live in a digital world. If you don’t want to wait for the shipping delay, or if you prefer reading digital books (like I do!!!) then grab the eBook and use the link at the end of the Introduction in the book to download the free Workbook which effectively means you have the best of both worlds – a digital version and a printed resource to do the exercises.

Be sure to check out all the extra templates and resources that we have uploaded and will keep adding to the online folder. You do need to buy a copy of the book to get access to that folder.

In the next post I will explore what I mean by living a productive life from the introduction to my book.