Category Archives: Productivity

Living a Productive Life (Part 2)

In the coming weeks I am going to unpack my approach to Productivity and share with you 7 keys to Living a Productive Life. My goal is to introduce you to my book (The Productive Life), give you some insights if you have not had a chance to read it yet, and also give those who have read it a chance to review what they have learnt and add some fresh insights.

You may be wondering what I mean by a Productive Life. Let me start by saying what I DON’T mean and then describe what I DO mean:

I am NOT talking about becoming a Work-a-holic. I have been there and it made me nearly lose my marriage and lose touch with my kids. Unless we put boundaries around our lives and make sure that one area, like work, does not become the most important area to the detriment of other areas, we will find ourselves in deep, deep trouble. I also nearly allowed a passion for birdwatching to become an obsession and found that I needed to put boundaries around that area of my life so it did not negatively affect other areas. I am also NOT talking about becoming a Slacker who does not care about getting things done in the workplace – or any other area of their life. Neither being a Work-a-holic nor a Slacker are healthy ways of living.

So, what do I mean by living a productive life? In the chapter entitled: Understanding Productivity, I refer to being on top of every area of your life by making sure that you put significant amounts of time, energy and attention into everything you do in every area of your life. This will mean different things for each area of your life, but until you have the mindset of excellence and invest effort in every area of your life you will not get the most out of life nor have the kind of impact that deep down you want to make on this world.

I wrote the book to provide a framework that will enable you to live your best life. Here is what you will be able to do once you have worked through the 7 Keys to Living a Productive Life and have applied the insights to your life using the workbook style of my writing:

(1) Live Your Mission – you will learn how to discover your mission in life, how to live it through each of the roles you play in life, how to set and achieve goals for each of your roles, how to use a weekly planner to track activities you schedule and how to adopt the personal time management secrets that I have learnt in life.

(2) Manage Your Actions – you will learn how to keep track of every commitment you make in life, how to keep everything out of your head, how to decide what needs to be done, how to actually get things done and how to do a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly review of your system.

(3) Build Your Habits – you will learn how habits are critical to achieving goals, how to build good habits and break bad habits, how to stack habits on top of each other to ensure they get done without a million alarms going off during your day, how to create goals for each habit, how to track your habits and how to work on new habits that you need to start.

(4) Plan Your Life – you will learn how to use a productivity planner each day, how to plan in advance, how to set your goals using the GPS goal planning system and how to schedule your goals in your calendar so you actually achieve them.

(5) Focus Your Mind – you will learn how to live your passion so you have the best chance of staying focused, how to train your brain to think and act like a Champion, and how to limit distractions so you can actually be productive.

(6) Know Your Self – you will learn how to discover your uniqueness from test you take, how to do a self-assessment so you can know your style without doing a test, how to create a personal profile document, how to apply all these insights to your productivity and how to keep learning about yourself.

(7) Renew Your Energy – you will learn how to generate physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy so that you are able to show up in any life situation with more than enough energy to face whatever comes your way.

I am excited about this journey. I do need to say that I won’t be trying to pack the content of my book into these message – the book is available via in eBook or paperback formats using this link:

The book contains a link to a downloads folder where you can download the workbook and loads of resources that I have made available.

I can assure you that your purchase will be a worthwhile investment in your life and that your levels of productivity will skyrocket. How do I know this? I have passed these keys on to countless people over the years and have personally seen their lives change for the better.

Living a Productive Life (Part 1)

I would like invite you on a journey to living the most productive life possible! In the coming weeks I am going to make regular posts that unpack the 7 Keys.

Watch out for the launch of a company that provides training, coaching and resources for being Productive @ Work and Productive @ Life. A domain has been registered ( and our website will soon be up and running. I am delighted to have a colleague, Stuart Fisher, partnering with me in this adventure.

If you have not gotten a copy of my book yet, then let me encourage you to act today – it will be a great step towards being uber-productive with your whole life. Payday should have arrived for you so consider making the investment in your future sooner rather than later.

You can get a copy on Amazon in either Paperback or eBook formats – and at the moment sales for each format are very close so clearly there is still a need for paper even though we live in a digital world. If you don’t want to wait for the shipping delay, or if you prefer reading digital books (like I do!!!) then grab the eBook and use the link at the end of the Introduction in the book to download the free Workbook which effectively means you have the best of both worlds – a digital version and a printed resource to do the exercises.

Be sure to check out all the extra templates and resources that we have uploaded and will keep adding to the online folder. You do need to buy a copy of the book to get access to that folder.

In the next post I will explore what I mean by living a productive life from the introduction to my book.

My Book Title and Cover

After a productive afternoon with a friend and colleague, Stuart Fisher, I can reveal the cover and the title for my book which is launching on the 1st September. It will be called: “The Productive Life: The 7 Keys to Living a Productive Life” and for more information about the content and to get updates as launch day approaches you can leave your name and email address in the sign up box on the right hand side of this page.

My Book on Productivity: Launch Details!!!

I am hard at work writing a book on productivity that will be published on Kindle on the 1st of September. Having been a student of amazing authors like Stephen Covey and David Allen over the past decades, I have decided that it is time for me to share my approach to life and action management that has developed over 30 years. The title is: The Productive Life: The 7 Keys to Living a Productive Life. If you want some more information head over to my website ( and you will be bombarded with popups and clickable links to get a bit more information and also leave your name and email address so I can keep you updated as things take shape!

Getting Things Done 10: My Weekly Review

The GTD guys say that if you are not doing a weekly review you are not doing GTD. That is true – you cannot downplay the importance of a regular weekly time (for me it takes about an hour) where you get Clean, Clear and Current. Here are the things that I do in my Weekly Review:

1. Review Planner: I look through my Mission, Roles and Goals (the three key features of my weekly planner) and ensure that I am living my mission.

2. Process Paper: I make sure that my physical inboxes are empty. I process all my receipts and file them and any other items that need to be kept in my filing system.

3. Process Notes: I work through my paper journal and review any notes that I have taken in the past week, looking for items that  need to be followed up on.

4. Review Calendar: I look back at the last week and identify calendar items that need to be moved forward to the coming week. I also fill in my weekly planner for the coming week at this time – I create calendar items for my goals for each role and also transfer items from my electronic calendar to my paper calendar at this point.

5. Mind Dump: I spend some time dumping anything that is on my mind – any thoughts that have not yet being captured and transferred to my system, I walk around and see if anything is out of place in my world, I think about each person in my family and whether there is anything that I need to follow up with them or do for them, I do the same for people in my work environment and I look at anything that needs to be done in the home – this is not the time to do it all, but to make a note of it and create next actions.

6. Review Lists: This is the critical part – I go through my Projects list and check off any completed items, create new items and check off completed projects. I go through my Next Actions list and check off anything that is completed, I look through my Agendas List and see if there is anything that I need to raise with people that is not listed, I look at my Someday/Maybe list and see whether there is an items that needs to move into my Project or Next Actions list, I look at my Waiting For list and see what I am waiting for from others and whether I need to do anything about it, and I look at my Prayer list and make sure it is up to date.

7. Review Email: I look through my email to see what action needs to be taken, I look at the Waiting For items and see what is lurking in my to Read folder. I keep my email up to date on a daily basis so it is never a major feature in my Weekly Review!

8. Preview Week: I briefly look ahead at my week to ensure I have enough down time and family time scheduled and I identify what are my weekly priorities and things I have to get done in the week.

9. Review Habits: I think through my effectiveness in handing my time and projects and I evaluate my work and rest balance and the state of my daily devotions.

10. Review Learning: I go through books that I am reading and check on progress and flag books that I need to be reading, I also burn a new CD of podcasts to listen to in my car and I look through the articles in my Read folder on my laptop.

11. Review Entertainment: I think through the movies, books, and TV shows that I want to consume in the coming week. I also look out for areas of imbalance where I am consuming too much in any of these areas.

12. Review Diet: I briefly think through whether my current diet is ensurng that I get enough fibre, vegetables and fruit, not overdoing my sugar intake and getting the vitamins I need to stay sharp and focussed.

13. Review Character: I spend some time checking on the fruit of the Spirit in my life (including love, patience, kindness, joy, etc), I evaluate my practise of spiritual gifts, and I evaluate whether I am being Christlike in my speech, attitudes and behaviours.

14. Review System: I spend a bit of time looking at the big picture of my GTD system – to check that I have all the lists  that I need and I make a note of areas that I need to improve in.

15. Enjoy Reward: This is the best part – I make myself a cup cuppachino as a reward.

Getting Things Done 9: Processing Notes

At some point I realised that I was taking copious notes in team meetings, at conferences, in church and other  places and they were not being integrated into my system. I read a few articles about how GTD applies to note taking and began to develop an approach that worked for me.

1. Using a Notebook – I spent some time in an anti-paper-electronic-zone but found that I was missing using a pen and went back to using a quality journal and gel pen that I keep with me at all times. For every team leadership event that is coming I will start a page and use it to jot down notes for the agenda items that will be covered. Then during the meeting, I will start a new page in which I will take brief notes – particularly about things that need to be followed up or commitments people have made to take action after the meetings.

2. Creating Helpful Symbols – I want to be able to glance at the page when I look back later and not have to read the whole thing – so I have developed some symbols that help me. I use a small checkbox and put letters next to it to indicate what category of action item it is. Here are some of the categories I currently use:

NA – This is for next actions that still need to be more clearly defined.

WF – This if for items that I am waiting for from people.

E – This is for errands – ie. things that I need to buy or get.

C – This is for phone calls that I need to make.

A – This is for agenda items – in GTD an agenda is something you speak to someone about.

These are written in the margins – either top/bottom or left/right margins so I can see them at a glance.

3. Other Symbols to Use – I have read about people using symbols beyond what I have mentioned here – i.e: (a) If an item is particularly important or insightful, put a star next to it. (b)  If an item requires further research or resolution, put a question mark next to it. (c) If an item requires follow-up, put a ballot box (open square) next to it. When the item is completed, I check it off. (d) If you assign a follow-up item to someone, put an open circle next to it (similar to the ballot box but a circle rather than a square) and indicate who is responsible – when the item is completed, check it off.

4. Processing the Next Actions – I then need to work through my note book and transfer these next actions to my Next Actions page – otherwise they stay hidden away in my notebook. It is important to schedule time to review your notes – ideally it should be done during your Weekly Review.

5. Completing the Next Actions – When I have attended to the item I will put a tick in the text box – both in my Next Actions list and also in my Notebook – so that when I look back at a previous meeting I don’t have  to try and figure out whether or not I have completed the next actions.

Getting Things Done 8: Horizons of Focus

Getting Things Done is based around getting clarity about 6 levels of our life. The analogy of a plane on a run way is used. There are runway items – those are our current Actions; then the plane lifts off and move to 10,000 feet where the focus is on current Projects, then we lift to 20,000 fee and consider our areas of Responsibility, then we move to 30,000 feet and we focus on our Goals, then we move to 40,000 feet and we define our Vision, and finally at 50,000 we have the big picture view of our lives – or our purpose and our principles.

David Allen in Making it All Work describes the 6 levels like this:
Runway: Action – Current activities and action steps
10,000 feet: Projects – Tasks expected to take 12 months or less to complete
20,000 feet: Areas of Responsibility – Dfferent “hats” you wear in your life and what’s expected of you in each.
30,000 feet: Goals – Targets for yourself to complete within the next 1 – 3 years.
40,000 feet: Vision – The life you see for yourself within the next 5 – 10 years.
50,000 feet: Purpose & Principles – What you want your life to mean and how you want to be seen by others.

Here is another description of the 6 levels (starting at the top and working down):

50,000 ft is the ‘big picture’ view. Why do you exist? The primary purpose for anything provides the core definition of what its ‘word’ really is. It is the ultimate job description. In other words, your agreements at 50,000 ft. are the description of your life’s purpose. Once your 50,000 ft agreements are clear, you then start determining your agreements at the lower Horizons of Focus:

40,000 ft: Vision. What it will look, sound, feel like with successful implementation of your long term visions. This is a picture of where you want to be 3 to 5 years from now.

30,000 ft: Goals and Objectives. What do you need to accomplish within the next 1 to 2 years to make your vision happen?

20,000 ft: Areas of Focus and Responsibility. Important spheres of work and life to be maintained at standards to “keep engine running”. eg. What is the standard Health you’d like to maintain? How about your standard for your education, family life, spirituality etc. so that you can achieve your 30,000 ft and 40,000 ft goal.

10,000 ft: Projects or Outcomes you want to achieve that require more than one action and which can be completed within a year.

Runway Actions: Next physical, visible actions to take on any project or other outcome.

Trent Hamm who runs The Simple Dollar website posted the following description of the 6 horizons based on David Allen’s book, Making it All Work:

Getting Perspective
Allen looks at six different key elements of getting perspective over one’s situation. Allen’s basic argument here is that perspective helps you clearly distinguish the important from the unimportant and makes the elements of control you have over your time that much more effective.

Getting Perspective on the Runway: Next Actions
Allen starts off at the most basic place: what is your next action? In other words, if you’re sitting there ready to do something, what exactly are you going to do? Some of the time, this choice is very easy – you’ll merely engage whatever fire needs to be put out at the moment – but at other times, the choice is profound. Will you work on that PowerPoint presentation or play catch with your son in the yard? The choice becomes much less clear very quickly, and that’s why it pays to have a higher level of perspective.

Getting Perspective at Ten Thousand Feet: Projects
From the immediate action, Allen steps back a bit to look at projects, which he defines as collections of discrete actions that produce an outcome and can be completed within a year (although usually less). For example, my garden might be a project, or teaching my son how to write his letters. Usually, the projects you have on the table all have an immediate action to offer, but how important is that immediate action? It really depends on the relative importance of the project. Do I define it as more important to work on my son’s Qs or to get those tomatoes in the ground? Personally, I view the writing project as more important and would help my son before heading outside – however, perspective is important here, too. If my son wants to go outside and play in the yard, or if he’s taking a nap, that’s the perfect time for me to grab the trowel and head out back.

Getting Perspective at Twenty Thousand Feet: Areas of Focus and Responsibility
What aspects of my life need regular maintenance? That’s the question at this level – what are your areas of focus? More importantly, what areas take clear priority over the other ones – can you establish a hierarchy? I have several, with my writing and my family clearly on top of the pile. I also see the value of reflecting on this carefully, because if you truly understand the areas of responsibility in life and understand how they rank and relate to one another, it becomes much easier to just automatically prioritize smaller projects and tasks.

Getting Perspective at Thirty Thousand Feet: Goals and Objectives
Beyond your areas of responsibility are your wider goals. What do you want to achieve with your life, particularly in the next two to five years? What will you have accomplished? In many ways, I feel like I accomplished very little for the first twenty seven years of my life. I feel as though I began accomplishing things in the last three years – having children, launching The Simple Dollar, writing a book that’s already begun to turn up in unexpected places. What’s my eventual goal, the one that will probably cover the next few years of my life? I want to push some interesting changes in how people are able to access personal finance education for all ages (something you’ll be hearing about in the future but is already in the works). What Allen is driving at here is how exactly are you going to make your mark on the world? If you don’t know, it’s time to start thinking about it.

Getting Perspective at Forty Thousand Feet: Vision
So what’s beyond your life goals? Allen next moves onto what kind of life those goals, if successful, lead to. Let’s say I achieve every major goal I have set out for the next few years. Where will I be? What will come next? How much further can I reach? Do the goals I have in place for the next two to five years put me in a place that I actually want to be? If so, which of those goals are the most effective at putting me in a good place for the long haul?

Getting Perspective at Fifty Thousand Feet: Purpose and Principles
From there, we zoom out to your whole life. What principles do you live by? What is the purpose of your life? What do you hope to accomplish with your life, and are you actually setting long-term goals to get there? What do you want written as your epitaph?

Read the full Review of Making It All Work at the Simple Dollar website.

Getting Things Done 7: Next Actions vs Projects

Everyone has their own idea about the most critical part of GTD and the GTD guys themselves will probably agree that it is the Weekly Review. Hard to argue with that – because the time each week when you get to make sure you are CLEAN, CURRENT and CREATIVE is a powerful time of getting on top of all your commitments.

But in my journey it was not the weekly review that took me beyond dabbling with GTD, but setting up a Project List. Somehow I managed to implement the whole GTD system and never actually got the distinction between Next Actions and Projects.  I had all my lists set up and knew about the Project list but did not see it for what it really is. Let me describe each of these lists in detail:

1. The Next Actions List. A Next Action is a specific task or action that I need to take on any commitment that comes my way. I’m meeting with someone and I promise to send them an article to read – what do I do with that commitment? If I don’t record it somewhere in an action management system that I can trust I find that my mind keeps reminding me all the time that I have to do it – and mostly I am reminded when I can’t do anything about it – like when I am having dinner or when I am out shopping. When I should be using my mind to think about things (ie. how I can improve something or create something new), and than of things – it will keep reminding me because it suspects that I am about to drop the ball. GTD helps out in this regard but getting us to keep a Next Actions list – a list of everything we need to do! And no, this is not the same as a To Do list that we have traditionally been told to keep – with  1-2-3 or A-B-C prioritisation system. The problem there is that we keep on looking through long lists of things – most of which we can’t do because we are not in the right CONTEXT to do it. And that is where GTD helps out: our Next Actions are groups in Contexts – like @Work or @Phone or @Errands, etc. I have described this more fully in my second GTD post – check that out for more details.

2. The Project List. Now, here is why in my experience the Project List was the big kicker and what actually helped me plug a huge hole in my system. My life is not just a series of unrelated actions. I lead a ministry, I lead a team, I have responsibilities at home, etc. I am actually a project manager – and there is no way that I could manage all my projects successfully if my sole focus was on the miriad of little actions that I need to take. Plus, when I am finished one next action and I cross it off my list, how do I know what is the next thing that needs to be done? That is where the Project list comes in! A project is any commitment that requires more than one next action to complete. Planning an event is not a next action but a project which consists of a series of interrelated next actions. And the project list enables us to define and track all the items that need to be done for the each project we are moving towards completion.

A good project list will ensure that you describe what the project looks like when it is completed (this is similar to Stephen Covey’s Begin With The End in Mind principle). Then it makes us think about the next couple of steps that will move the project towards completion. I don’t always set out to list every step towards completion – I define the next 2 or 3 steps and start working on those next actions (and I make sure EVERY Next Action starts with a Verb – ie. Call for a Quote). Then I transfer those next actions from my Project List – where the whole project will be tracked – to my Next Actions list and start completing them. When I do my weekly review (or in my case mid-weekly too) I go back to the Project List and define or find more items that need to be tacked and keep transferring them to my Next Actions list. When the project is completed I can delete it from my list and move on to the next project.

When I got my mind around this distinction between Next Actions and Projects I really found that GTD started to work for me! In fact, in a future blog I will describe who these two steps are actually the first of 6 steps or Horizon’s of focus – that is a critical part of understanding how the whole system works!

Getting Things Done 6: Further Reading

In case this has all just whet your appetite and while waiting for your or orders of David Allen’s books to arrive you are desperate to read more, well there is help at hand! Buy I do want to stress that there is no substitute to reading both the key books: Getting Things Done and Making It All Work.

Visit The Youth Ministry Resourcer website and check out the Productivity page. There is a summary of the Getting Things Done book that I have written. There are links to numerous articles written by David Allen or others; including the GTD workflow diagrams which really help you to visualise the the whole process. There is also an audio interview with David Allen about his newest book, Making It All Work, to download and listen to on the Links page under the Time Management sub-section.

Getting Things Done 5: My Blog Reading

I have automated my blog visiting and reading by using Google Reader which brings new posts from about 30 different blogs to me which I process through about three times a week. It is so much easier than visiting each site individually. I have a list of all the blogs that I follow (if you are interested in taking a look – many are focussed on Productivity) at my website: – look at the bottom of the Links page.