Category Archives: The Productive Life Book

My Book Title and Cover

After a productive afternoon with a friend and colleague, Stuart Fisher, I can reveal the cover and the title for my book which is launching on the 1st September. It will be called: “The Productive Life: The 7 Keys to Living a Productive Life” and for more information about the content and to get updates as launch day approaches you can leave your name and email address in the sign up box on the right hand side of this page.

My Book on Productivity: Launch Details!!!

I am hard at work writing a book on productivity that will be published on Kindle on the 1st of September. Having been a student of amazing authors like Stephen Covey and David Allen over the past decades, I have decided that it is time for me to share my approach to life and action management that has developed over 30 years. The title is: The Productive Life: The 7 Keys to Living a Productive Life. If you want some more information head over to my website ( and you will be bombarded with popups and clickable links to get a bit more information and also leave your name and email address so I can keep you updated as things take shape!